ANZBIG have provided a link in their last newsletter to a bulk recording of the. This is a 6hr YouTube which I have broken down so that you can jump to what might be of interest to you.
ANZ BIOCHAR INDUSTRY 2030 ROADMAP’S SCALE-UP INITIATIVES (Melissa Rebbeck, ANZBIG Chair and Director, Carbon Drawdown Projects) 24min > 50min (good introduction on ANZBIG state of play including details on their working groups)
REDUCE, REMOVE AND STORE: BIOCHAR’S ROLE IN CLIMATE CHANGE (Prof. Annette Cowie, IPCC Lead Author Special Report on Climate Change and Land and Working Group III Sixth Assessment Report; Group Leader, Climate Unit, NSW DPI) 50min >1:15min (a ‘must watch’ for NZ policy sector… can you help share?)
LINKING COMMUNITY AND INDUSTRY SECTORS FOR CIRCULAR-ECONOMY BIOCHAR PRODUCTION AND SEQUESTRATION (Karen Enkelaar, Director, Agspand Pty Ltd healthy profitable agriculture, Tasmania) 1:30 > 2:07 (focus here is on Agspand work on biochar animal feeds but with some good information on biochar testing)
WHAT BIOWASTE FEEDSTOCKS CAN CREATE BIOCHAR/S TO SEQUESTER CARBON, NITROGEN AND WATER IN SOILS? (Dr Stephen Joseph, Co-author, A Farmer’s Guide to the Production, Use and Application of Biochar) 2:10min > 2:36min (a high level overview of many exciting research findings & applications)
BIOCHAR TECHNOLOGIES IN AUSTRALIA FOR CO2 REMOVAL AND RENEWABLE ENERGY/HEAT FROM BIOWASTE: “HAVING YOUR CAKE AND EATING IT, TOO!” (Craig Bagnall, Catalyst Environmental Management / SEATA Group) 2:36 > 3:07 (good coverage on production technology options focusing on Oz technologies but also global overview)
CORCS, BIOCHAR AND RENEWABLE ENERGY: SCALING PYROLYSIS IN THE HORTICULTURE SECTOR AND BEYOND (Kane Ravenscroft, Sales Director, Optimal Group Australia & RBE Delivery Partner) 3:07 > 3:22 (Rainbow BeeEater business status & technology presentation)
BIOCHAR IN NATURE-BASED WASTEWATER TREATMENT SOLUTIONS (Andrew Shipp, Construction & Business Development Manager, Syrinx Environmental, Tasmania) 3:24 > 3:47 (includes focus on Rotorua project & lake cleanup)
ORGANIC WASTE IN A CIRCULAR ECONOMY: THE CHALLENGE OF EMERGING CONTAMINANTS AND ROLE OF PYROLYSIS (Tim Watson and Phil Woods, TasWater) 3:48 > 4:08 (water industry & biosolids management future)
SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY BIOMASS RESIDUES FOR BIOCHAR (Fabiano Ximenes, Senior Research Scientist, NSW DP) 4:08 > 4:32 (should be of interest to Scion folk… NSW equivalent. One study found a portion of Tasmanian forest residues could abate 2.5MT/yr of carbon from biochar production)
CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE: MANAGING CONTAMINATION TO PRODUCE BIOCHAR FOR MULTIPLE COMMUNITY USES (Christina Giudici, Founding Director, The New Black Biochar, Tasmania) 4:33 > 4:46 (great short story… needs replication in NZ!)
TAIWAN’S CIRCULAR-ECONOMY PYROLYSIS FEEDSTOCKS, TECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTS (Varian Chien Chuan-Chi, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan) 4:54 > 5:15 (exciting work coming out of Taiwan, including links to kiwifruit in NZ)
BIOCHAR IN RESEARCH: IMPLICATIONS FOR PRODUCTIVITY, CARBON AND SUSTAINABILITY (Assoc. Prof. Matthew Harrison, Director of the Carbon Storage Partnership, TIA, UTAS) 5:16 > 5:33 (focus on feeding cattle with biochar plus some work that included Plant&FoodNZ on apple orchards)
PLENARY Q&A (Melissa Rebbeck, ANZBIG Chair) 5:35 > 6:08