There are many great sites on the web about biochar. We list some of the most important here based on their relevance to biochar development in NZ (your recommendations on additions to this list are welcome)…
International Biochar Initiative (IBI) : This site is a focal point for biochar development around the world. We plan to report NZ biochar news stories to IBI for publication in their monthly newsletter. Also check out the IBI bibliography for their comprehensive archive on published research.
BioEnergy Lists: Biochar Mailing Lists : There is an enormous amount of information stored on these sites which have been running for many years. Check out their ‘Topics on biochar’ and ‘Other Useful Web Sites’ from the Biochar (Terra Preta) website. They have historically been a channel for discussion on biochar – maintained in their ‘Discussion List Archives‘
The Biochar Journal : “provides relevant, cutting edge research and practical guidance showing how the use of biochar and other climate friendly techniques can not only boost economic and environmental resilience but also regenerate local, regional and global ecosystems. Biochar in agriculture, livestock farming, building industry, brownfield and habitat remediation, desert reforestation, disaster management, water treatment, reusable packaging, electronics and much more will be unfolded in the Biochar Journal.”
Ithaka : (Journal for Ecology, Winegrowing and Climate Farming) Many interesting articles from Hans-Peter Schmidt in Europe.
European Biochar Research Network : EU COST Action TD1107 is an action granted by COST in the domain of Food and Agriculture. COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level. This Biochar COST Action runs for 4 years from 2012 to 2016.
Regional Biochar Groups (IBI list) : Biochar group from around the world (ABE listed as BIG-NZ).
AllBlackEarth on FaceBook : posting a wide range of stories, not necessarily NZ or biochar specific but usually of related interest. The FB link is featured top, RHS of the ABE site.
New Zealand sites
NZBRC : The NZ Biochar Research Center is the only dedicated biochar research site in NZ (that we are aware of – please advise if you know of any others).
NZ Soils : “This web site is a visual introduction to soil, how they differ, their importance and distribution. Examples of New Zealand soils are presented along with pictures and interactive activities. Methods for describing soil features and the New Zealand soil classification are introduced.”
Australia and NZ Biochar Researchers Network : “The Australian and New Zealand Biochar Researchers Network is a collaborative group of scientists interested in advancing the understanding and application of biochar materials. Collectively our aim is to collaborate on research programs, promote and advocate the adoption of biochar investigation and use, and communicate the opportunities presented by biochar to policy makers, land managers, the public, industry and fellow scientists.”
NSW DPI > Agriculture > Soil Carbon : A farmer’s guide to increasing soil organic carbon under pastures ; Biochar basics ; Biochar in horticulture: Prospects for the use of biochar in Australian horticulture ; Increasing soil organic carbon of agricultural land ; Key soil carbon messages
DAFF > Climate Change > Carbon Farming Initiative : “The Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) is a voluntary carbon offsets scheme. This Australian Government initiative allows farmers and land managers to earn carbon credits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions (such as nitrous oxide and methane) and storing carbon in vegetation and soils through changes to agricultural and land management practices (also known as carbon farming).”
Frank Strie > FB page from Tasmania