G’day & Kia ora (How are ya?!)
Been a bit a hot out late hey?!! You know it’s amazing what this little black piece of biomass can do!!
Yes you’ve seen the Ads, imagine if Scott Morrison bought a piece of Biochar into Parliament, what hope would this invoke for our future?! Once carbonised, Biochar is a stabler form of carbon than compost and mulch and only needs to be applied once in a lifetime. But why is it often so expensive? Why isn’t this on the mainstream agenda for Farmers and Sustainable builders yet? We’ve had years of research and now the number of Scientific Papers per annum rivals Cancer and other important Medical Fields, why? We will explore these topics and more at ANZBC17 and engage with the Commercial players that are now entering the ANZ Market with Technology and Value added Bio-Products.
The Biochar Mineral Complex that the Cows and Dung Beetles have created 60cm down into the subsoil of Doug Pow’s Pasture in Manjimup Western Australia has now been analysed under the strongest microscope in the World thanks to Dr Stephen Joseph et al. We are discovering things that we never thought possible. We’ll get an update on this game changing, economically viable method from both of them at ANZBC17.
So, have you made a plan to attend, exhibit and or sponsor ANZBC17 yet? Then call us directly on +6459175729, check out all the info at anzbc.org.au and or email us at info@anzbc.org.au
Biochar Don (on behalf of the ANZBC17 Team)