This should prove to be a valuable contribution to the accumulated knowledge on the benefits of combining biochar and compost (and incorporating references to our very own Clough et al on biochar and soil N dynamics) …
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From: Kelpie Wilson <>
Date: 13 November 2013 05:24
Subject: [biochar] New publication with sections on biochar and compost
To: “” <>
Hi Everyone,
A report that I worked on for the Washington Department of Ecology has now been published. Many thanks to Mark Fuchs at WDE for initiating this report on compost odor control, and for asking me to contribute a literature review of biochar use in compost and an appendix on the global history of biochar.
Here is a link to the study and the table of contents for the biochar sections. I hope this will be useful information for biochar producers and users.
-Kelpie Wilson
Ma, J., Wilson, K., Zhao, Q., Yorgey, G., & Frear, C. (November, 2013). Odor in Commercial Scale Compost: Literature Review and Critical Analysis. Washington State Department of Resources. Retrieved October 29, 2013, from
Use of Amendment Approaches to Pile Chemistry and Biology -26
Background -26
Volatile fatty acids -27
Ammonia and nitrogen-based odors -28
Hydrogen sulfide and sulfur-based odors -29
Aeration and moisture -30
Methane -31
Nitrous oxide -31
Carbon dioxide -31
Biochar and compost quality -32
Compost nitrogen content -33
Compost maturity and humic content-34
Biochar property alteration through composting -34
Plant growth response to biochar compost -34
Conclusion -35
Appendix A. Historical and Traditional Uses of Biochar Related to Odor Control -39
Ancient and traditional biochar -39
19th century agricultural charcoal -41
The sewer debates -43
Profiles of current initiatives for using biochar in compost -48
Japanese composting with biochar -48
Integrated solutions in Vietnam -49
Waste utilization in rural India -49
The Delinat Institute, Switzerland -49
Sonnenerde Company, Germany -50
Terra Preta Sanitation Initiative -50
European Biochar Research Network -50
International conference on biochars, composts, and digestates -51
Wilson Biochar Associates
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