Wilding pine is an invasive species that has infested over 800,000Ha in the SI and 300,000Ha in the north (2007). The NZ Wilding Conifer Management Group website is a focal point for information on this topic. Wilding & Co are turning some of these pests into perfume but maybe biochar can offer a much larger complimentary business model.
From the following presentation it is evident that invasive tree species are also a big problem in other places. Maybe we can take some of these ideas and turn them into trial projects in NZ. Mobile biochar production opportunities are apparent but Darren also describes a historic ‘chain drag’ process (46min). Has this been tried in NZ?
Tony Lovell’s talk on climate change management identifies another potential wilding solution – one which has the additional benefit of providing business and employment opportunities along with carbon sequestration…
I guess managed grazing could be seen as having significant impact in conservation areas but then, so do the trees. The problem is affecting both public & private land and there is a diverse range of groups and govt agencies involved it its management. It would be great to see a biochar based trial project developing.