After the previous video from Glenn, this positive biochar story is light relief. It highlights some great opportunities for NZ dairy farms to move toward sustainable farming practices. We’ve seen previously that standoff pads and herd homes are becoming important tools for highly stocked land. They could be essential for farms in the future trying to battle nutrient caps. Biochar is the missing ingredient for farm nutrient management in NZ and unfortunately is still missing from the vocabulary of the agriculture industry here.
“Thomas Rippel has a vision to turn the world’s soils into a lush paradise, reverse global warming and reduce world hunger by living in symbiosis with cows and composting their manure with biochar. For this vision, cows should only eat grass and clover from pastures like the alps and from crop rotation. And the number of cows on this planet should not be determined by our appetite for meat, but by the amount of grass and clover available to us in this wonderful symbiosis. And lastly, farmers should compost the manure of their cows with biochar, giving us all the organic fertilizer we need to grow grains and vegetables for humans without needing any chemical fertilizers.
Thomas is a globetrotter who has settled down in Switzerland to live his life as an organic farmer. Sustainable agriculture is central to his life’s philosophy and combines his passions for cutting edge science, healthy nutrition, animal welfare and combating global climate change.”