I’ve listed below a few interesting research projects, that could overlap with biochar interest…
2016 Endeavour Round successful proposals
“MBIE’s 2016 Endeavour Round will see 56 new scientific research programmes receive funding of more than $209 million over the next five years.
The Endeavour Fund invests in excellent research that has high potential to positively transform New Zealand’s future economic performance, sustainability and integrity of our environment, help strengthen our society, and give effect to the Vision Mātauranga policy, which aims to unlock the innovation potential of Māori knowledge, resources, and people for the benefit of New Zealand.”
Lincoln University: Reducing environmental damage following urea application in pastures by using a bio-inoculant $977,500
Cawthron Institute: Improving Chinook salmon feed efficiency for industry growth $12,854,857
Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd:
Innovative ways to reduce farm nitrogen losses by manipulating carbon inputs $7,301,000
Integrated research and tools for wilding conifer management and ecosystem restoration $14,000,000
Soil ecosystem health and resilience – a pathway to prosperity and wellbeing $7,500,000
New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd Trading as Scion: Preparing New Zealand for extreme fire $8,750,000