On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Trevor Richards <trevor at soilcarbon.org.nz> wrote:
Dear ABE group,
Please find below an e-letter I hope you will read and share. A few of you may have been sent this already from another list… sorry for this.
Dennis and I have been discussing the need/interest for biochar workshops in NZ. We agree that more needs to be done to raise the awareness on biochar in NZ but I’m wondering if we can gather the support we would need for a biochar speaker/workshop tour of NZ. Some ideas:
- invite overseas production &/or applications specialist
- collaborate with local groups around NZ for each venue
- seek funding from …
There would be much to consider and organise for such a tour, so some sort of support group may need to gather around the idea to take it forward. We would welcome any comments or expressions of support for this.
Australia New Zealand Biochar Conference 2017
Biochar (charcoal made for use in soil) increases the productivity and resilience of many soils and contributes to climate change mitigation, as shown by research here in NZ and around the world.
It has also been shown to improve soil moisture and nutrient holding capacity, improve animal health and reduce animal emissions, reduce the uptake of soil contaminants in our food such as heavy metals and other chemicals, and has a range of cascading applications from production to soil application such as nutrient capture and water quality enhancement.
We are focused on increasing the knowledge base and expanding the biochar industry to highlight biochar as a major contributor to fight the many issues we face in our world today.
The ANZBC17 conference is being held near the Gold Coast in Australia on 10 – 12th August to provide opportunities for researchers, industry players and interested parties to connect and advance the use of biochar.
Please consider attending this conference or becoming a sponsor (we are trying to help NZ speakers with conference travel costs).
Further information is available on the conference website: https://anzbc.org.au/
Your interest and support is appreciated.
Dennis Enright, former co-chair of Soil & Health
Trevor Richards, co-founder of AllBlackEarth
(ANZBC17 Organising Committee – NZ branch)