Biochar is a veritable Swiss army knife for some of the planets problems. There are many tools being unfolded for agriculture enhancement and environmental repair. Energy tools abound, due to the diverse range of biochar production methods, and their residual and distributed nature. Continuing the analogy, one of the largest and most controversial knifes is still to be sharpened.
Some biochar proponents are pushing hard for biochar as a carbon sequestration tool. It is suggested to be a passive and safer approach to geoengineering the planet compared with other CDR (carbon dioxide reduction) or SRM (solar radiation management) methods that have emerged from the geoengineering community.
Kelpie Wilson has posted on a two year NZ and UK study looking at public attitudes to geoengineering. Her link leads back to the Manawatu Standard 13Jan news report but she says nice things about sensible kiwis so do check out her blog…
I’ve been engaged with this issue from another perspective – the NZ ETS… my comments are included in Euan Mason’s blog post below…