Biochar Cone Kiln

Here is another well made demonstration video on simple biochar production. This relates to another ‘managed combustion’ system – providing much better environmental outcomes than just burning biomass but still wasteful on the energy front. See also: … Continue reading

Biochar producers page

We have been getting inquiries for biochar – mainly from gardeners wanting to experiment. As interest grows, demand for larger quantities should follow for commercial application trials. If you are producing biochar in NZ and you are able to share some of your production with gardeners or researchers, then please get in touch.

As the market for biochar matures, we should develop some principles and guidelines for sustainable and safe biochar production, post-treatment and application. The easiest path for now may be to follow IBI, European or other international production / testing guidelines.

We are developing a list of NZ biochar producers who may be able to provide biochar or biochar based products from direct inquires. The producers page will provide contact details and product information.