NZ scientific ‘roadmap’

Govt lays out scientific ‘roadmap’ The roadmap is discussed at the RNZ website, linked above. I’ve searched the document for reference to biochar… zero results but no surprise there. I then searched on ‘soil’. There is some mention or hint … Continue reading

Research proposal to retain soluble Nitrogen in pasture soils

RESEARCH PROPOSAL TO RETAIN NITROGEN IN PASTURE SOILS – Use of No-tillage to apply biochar into pasture root zones New Zealanders are waking up …  to the environmental costs & unintended consequences of intensive dairy farming practices, in particular intensively managed … Continue reading

Biochar & urban trees

Another great article from the team at the Biochar Journal… Planting Urban Trees with Biochar by Bjorn Embrén “Urban trees face various challenges which frequently lead to high tree mortality, shorter lifespans and increased maintenance cost. To improve tree health … Continue reading

Biochar captures N & P in dairy wastewater

Biochar can be used to capture essential nutrients from dairy wastewater and improve soil physico-chemical properties Abstract. Biochar has emerged as a promising solution for the potential to clean wastewater and recapture excess nutrients. With the ability to adsorb significant … Continue reading

Biochar Journal – new articles

Since my first post on the Biochar Journal, highlighting Kathleen Draper’s Biochar Paper article, there have been 3 new articles… all great reading, How Biochar Works in Soil by Kelpie Wilson Hypotheses of biochar’s role in the development of fertile … Continue reading

Pigs, chickens, cows

Could NZ learn something from sustainable animal rearing in Vietnam? I suggest that it could after reading this article from Dr Paul Olivier… Also related are articles coming from the new Biochar Journal and the Ithaka Institute… … Continue reading