I had an epiphany while running a comparison between a couple of TLUDS at Simon Days about 10 days ago. I’ve been trying to get more char out of my system by raising the afterburner about 50mm above the main … Continue reading
I had an epiphany while running a comparison between a couple of TLUDS at Simon Days about 10 days ago. I’ve been trying to get more char out of my system by raising the afterburner about 50mm above the main … Continue reading
The Second burn of the TLUD was an attempt to increase the feedstock value by adding new material in through the secondary air gap during the process. WE started with a half barrel of chips as a way to test … Continue reading
About a year ago I asked an incinerator maker to build me a TLUD based on a design I’d seen on YouTube. Yesterday it worked properly for the first time. The main burner barrel has 50 x 25mm holes in … Continue reading