Reaching out to Regional Biochar Groups: State of the Industry Data Collection Effort
Dear colleagues,
I’m emailing you today because we’re in the midst of reaching out to our community to request information for our 2015 State of the Biochar Industry data collection effort. We were able to include over 200 companies last year and are hoping to have a stronger data set this year.
To do this, I need your help. I’m asking you, as a regional biochar group leader, to send this message out to your colleagues asking them to please take our survey at It is at most 20 minutes and usually takes less time depending on responses. We conduct this survey to collect data on activities related to the commercial production, distribution, and marketing of biochar and biochar-related products and services. The deadline for input is October 31, 2015. You may review the published results from prior years at:
We recognize that companies want to be sure that the information they submit is private. IBI will maintain the confidentiality of all information collected in this survey. Data will be presented in aggregate for trending analysis and the only personal information shared will be basic contact information such as website and location, in order to illustrate the growth in biochar/biochar-related businesses. In addition, we are launching a 4-question anonymous survey to ask biochar producers about the volume of biochar produced and sold at
Thank you in advance for your participation and I hope this finds you well.
As usual, please feel free to send me any regional group updates on your activities for inclusion in our next newsletter.
Ms. Thayer Tomlinson
International Biochar Initiative
Communications Director
(802) 257 5359
IBI is a non-profit, member-supported organization and is counting on your generous donation to put the Earth “Back in the Black”. Please join us at: