Biochar meta-analysis on Nitrous Oxide

The molar H:Corg ratio of biochar is a key factor in mitigating N2O emissions from soil M.L. Cayuela, S. Jeffery, L. van Zwieten Highlights •An updated meta-analysis including 56 studies finds that biochar reduces soil N2O emissions by 49 ± 5%. •Field … Continue reading

New paper on biochar nutrient & pollution management

Biochar suppresses N2O emissions while maintaining N availability in a sandy loam soil Sean D.C. Casea, b, Niall P. McNamaraa, David S. Reayb, Andy W. Stotta, Helen K. Granta, Jeanette Whitakera, , a Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Lancaster Environment Centre, Library Avenue, Bailrigg, LA1 … Continue reading

Missed MPI funding opportunity?

The Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change (SLMACC) research programme… Theme 2: Mitigation of agricultural and forestry greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions Theme 2 specifically lists biochar and soil carbon as appropriate research themes. I have an inquiry placed with … Continue reading